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Event Information

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Joined: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:31 pm

Event Information


Post by Cozdragon » Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:07 pm

There will be 12 threads in the Subforum, 1 for each day.
Take and post an image that you think best represents the song words for each day. Please make sure that you post in the correct thread.
You may only make one entry for each day, however you can enter as many 'days' of the competition as you like - one, some or all is allowed.

When the event closes each set of paintings will be judged against the following criteria:
a) Representing the song words clearly
b) Creativity

The panel will consist of existing SR team members and guest judges. They will be given the paintings anonymously.
The event will close on the 3rd January at 9am GMT. Entries made after this time will be disallowed.

The winning photographer each day will be awarded 2 SR coins.
The second place photographer each day will be awarded an SR coin.

The winning and second placed images for each day will both also feature on our very own 2019 SR Calendar which will be available as a free download in January.

The picture with the very highest score over the 12 days will also earn the photographer a pod racer. Winning paintings may also be incorporated into event loot. In the event of this happening the photographers will be given a copy to keep.

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