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Server Conduct Issue

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Server Conduct Issue


Post by Cozdragon » Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:18 pm

We would like to apologise to all those who witnessed the behaviour of a player overnight. The language and conduct was not something that we advocate here and it will not be tolerated. We would like to clarify that it was the first time that any situation involving that player had been reported, however, given the extreme language and threats made the player has been banned and will not be returning to Sentinels Republic. We have always strived to be a family friendly server. We expect all players to comply with our guidance on conduct. The information is here: These are our rules and by playing here you have agreed to abide by them.

You have all chosen to make SR your home and we know for the vast majority it is the chilled, friendly vibe that drew you here, and encouraged you to stay. You have the right to come here, play and chill out, however you also have the responsibility to be part of keeping our community that way. If you are uncomfortable with a conversation, then report it. In addition, you are able to use /addignore in game and you can mute or block in discord.

The CSR team have clear guidelines to follow. CSRs are able to ‘freeze’ players to give them time to calm down. If they are available (and please remember all our staff are volunteers) they will take action if they feel it is appropriate. IF you contact a member of the CSR team to make a complaint about a player / galaxy chat then you must also screen shot it and report it to Coz. If it is an extended conversation, then give her a phrase that she can search for in the chat channel. This way we are able to keep accurate records, review, support and adjust the permissions for staff if required, and take additional action where necessary. No one staff member would ever ban a player – that is a collective decision made by those on the senior community team. It would also take into account any prior incidents and warnings that the player had received.

After our third birthday celebrations we will be looking to recruit more players into our CSR programme. If this is something that interests you, then please do get in touch with Coz to find out some more details, and we can set up interviews from the middle of August.

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